2012 中国国家汉办—美国大学理事会汉语助教志愿者项目 |
发布时间:2012-05-20 | 浏览次数: 191 |
2012 中国国家汉办—美国大学理事会汉语助教志愿者项目
§ 对外汉语专业本科毕业生(且获得学士学位)或本科为教育学、中文、英文、外语或其它相关专业,研究生专业为汉语国际教育或对外汉语的在读研究生,本科毕业院校非美国大学;
§ 截至2012年6月,在非美国境内具有1年及以上全职专业教学经验;
§ 中国教师资格证;
§ 普通话水平二甲及以上;
§ 较强的英语口头及书面表达能力;
§ 在外语教学法、课堂管理和交流互动方面知识基础扎实、技能熟练;
§ 活泼开朗的个性和生动活跃的教学风格;
§ 对新事物和文化差异有良好的适应能力,能够与他人友好合作;
§ 愿意努力适应新环境、克服困难,能够在长期远离国内家人和朋友的情况下正常工作;
§ 身体健康并具有良好的心理素质。
§ 积累在美国教育系统中学习的宝贵经验,包括学习美国学校外语教学的方法和技术;
§ 亲身体验美国生活,通过与美国学校的教师、教务人员和其他人群交往互动来加深对美国文化和社会的理解;
§ 有机会与中美两国权威教育机构共同工作,有机会参加在美国组织的专业教师培训和研修班、研讨会等;
§ 提高英语水平,积累教学法知识和技能,在美国收集一线教学材料;
§ 享受由汉办提供的每月1000美元生活津贴;
§ 享受由汉办提供的每年一次中美国际往返机票;
§ 享受由汉办提供的在任期间人身意外伤害保险;由美国学校提供的医疗保险
§ 享受由美国学校提供的免费住宿和交通。
§ 遵守中美两国法律,遵守美国学校、汉办及本项目的一切规定;
§ 助教志愿者须在接待学校接受全日制实习培训,每周至少35小时。培训计划通过参与上中文课、参与文化活动、参与项目资料开发、参与社区交流、参加职业发展活动和其他培训活动来实施。
§ 促进学校和当地社区对中国文化的认识和了解,当好文化传播的大使;能够与大家分享知识和信息,成为大家了解中国的“活字典”;提高学生对中国的兴趣;
§ 和学生、同事、家长建立积极的关系,积极参与学区和社区的各项活动;
§ 在项目中期和末期完成评估表;
§ 在一年项目任期结束后按时回国。
2012 College Board-Hanban Chinese Guest Trainee Program
The Chinese Guest Trainee Program is a new collaborative effort between Hanban/Confucius Institute
Headquarters in China and the College Board in the United States. The program aims to provide
opportunities for Chinese teachers-in-training to enhance their skills and expertise in the field of teaching
Chinese as a foreign language by learning U.S. methodologies and techniques for foreign language teaching.
U.S. schools enhance their Chinese language and culture programs through the exchange of ideas with a
native speaker and cultural resource. Selected trainees receive their training in Chinese language programs at
senior high schools (grades 9-12), middle schools (grades 6-8), and elementary schools (grades K-5) in urban,
suburban, or rural areas in the United States. Training plans will be developed to provide Chinese Guest
Trainees with on-site training in the following areas: after-school and extracurricular Chinese programs,
Chinese language teaching resources and materials, Chinese language classes, interdisciplinary enrichment in
other subjects, conversation as exchange partners with students learning Chinese, and cultural and
extracurricular activities in the school and community. Trainees will gain an understanding of American
culture and society through their participation in this structured program in the United States.
Application Deadline: May 25, 2012
Trainee Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree (or higher) from a non-U.S. university in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign
Bachelor’s degree (or higher) from a non-U.S. university in education, Chinese, English,
International Studies, or other related fields, combined with post-graduate training in Teaching
Chinese as a Foreign Language
At least (1) year of post-graduate, non-U.S. professional teaching experience by June 2012
Teaching certificate in China, i.e., licensed to teach in China
Standard Mandarin (Putonghua) Certificate
Advanced proficiency in verbal and written English
Knowledge and skills in foreign language pedagogy, classroom management and workplace
Active personality and teaching style
Openness to new experiences, cultural differences, and working with others
Willingness to adapt to different environments, overcome challenges, and be away from friends and
family for extended periods of time
Physical and mental ability to participate in the program
Program Benefits
Valuable professional learning experience gained in the U.S. education system, including improved
knowledge of techniques and methodologies used by U.S. schools in foreign language programs.
Personal experience living in the U.S. and interaction with U.S. teachers, school staff, and others will
increase the Trainees’ understanding of U.S. culture and American society.
Opportunities to work with the leading education organizations from China and the U.S. and to
attend professional teacher training workshops and conferences in the U.S.
Opportunities to improve English proficiency, enhance pedagogical knowledge and skills, and
collect authentic teaching materials from the U.S. for enrichment of the Trainee.
Monthly stipend from Hanban in the amount of approximately $1,000 U.S. dollars per month
One complimentary round-trip air ticket between China and the U.S. destination annually.
Life and Accident Insurance provided by Hanban; Health Insurance provided by U.S. school.
Complimentary housing and transportation provided by the U.S. host school.
Trainee Responsibilities
All guest trainees are required to:
Comply with all applicable U.S. and Chinese laws and policies of Hanban and the program.
Participate in the Guest Trainee Program on a full time basis at the host institution (minimum of 35
hours per week). The training plan is implemented through participation in classroom instruction,
cultural enrichment activities, program and materials development, communication with the school
community, professional development activities, and other training activities as assigned.
Be a cultural ambassador to promote awareness of Chinese culture to the school and local
community, and be a resource person to share knowledge and encourage students' interest in Chinese.
Build positive relationships with students, colleagues, and parents, and participate actively in the
school and local community.
Complete and sign evaluations at the midpoint and at the end of the program.
Return to China at the end of one-year service in the Chinese Guest Trainee Program.
Please contact Hanban directly for questions related to the program and to request an application for
participation in the 2012-13 school year.
E-mail: zhouzhichang@hanban.org
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